54 min listen
135 | Human Connection in an AI-driven world
AI is a tool, not the answer. It's transforming the way we work, but in B2B sales, the fundamentals...
Looking to maximise partner interactions with its Co-Marketing Builder TCMA (Through Channel Marketing Automation) tool, long-term Twogether customer Zebra Technologies, needed a fast, impactful answer.
Being a digital solutions, hardware, and software specialist with a global footprint operating across an enormous array of sectors and verticals, the company needed the resulting solution to incorporate similar strength, breadth, and depth. We soon delivered.
From retail to etail, healthcare to hospitality, and the public sector to the manufacturing sector, Zebra Technologies' global operational footprint is as broad and deep as its portfolio of digital, hardware, and software solutions.
Providing a range of key marketing resources to partners across these marketplaces and others, the company’s Co-Marketing Builder tool (delivered via Twogether’s partnermarketing.com TCMA SaaS product Campaign Builder) is similarly comprehensive.With dozens of Zebra partners immediately feeding back that the platform had already become much easier to navigate and use, there were quickly marked upticks in engagement, usage, and asset downloads alike.
Indeed, providing a useful quantitative and qualitative measure of just how much more popular, engaging, and useful the updated platform had become, the total number of asset downloads rose from just 12 between October 2020 and March 2021 (pre-roll out), to a massive 2,006 during the same period the following year – a 167 x improvement.
54 min listen
AI is a tool, not the answer. It's transforming the way we work, but in B2B sales, the fundamentals...
46 min listen
The days of relying on MQLs are numbered. Beth Redpath Katz, Senior Director at BMC Software, joins...
4 min read
In today’s global market, understanding and aligning with your partners goes beyond simple...
How our words often paint a thousand pictures when it comes to client results…